At Body Balance Integrated Massage Therapy we consider the individual goals of the person during every treatment. This is especially important when treating athletes because the treatment will differ depending on these goals. We have broken down our treatment plans into three different levels, depending on how in depth an individual wants to go.
Our first level of treatment is temporary relief from pain where the massage would be more general, not really addressing any injuries, etc. For runners, this would include pre and post event sessions, where the focus is simply preparation or recovery.
The next level would be maximum correction where muscle imbalances and causes of injury would be addressed. For this we would suggest an Integrated Manual Therapy session. An example would be a runner coming in with achilles tendon pain. Rather than only looking at the calf, we would check the functionality of the hip, knee and ankle joints, test gait and perform manual muscle testing or other assessment techniques to try and pinpoint the cause of the pain.