Meet Our Coaches

  • Leadership
    • John Ferry — Head Coach
    • Molly Forr — Assistant Coach
  • Committee
    • Scott Batten
    • Fred Hines

Weekly Workout Support

The Dashing Whippets provide the structure.  But it is our members who actually provide the motivation and encouragement for each person to rise to his or her potential.  Athletes who thrive under our coaching are the ones who are personally driven to reach the next level of performance.

Our value is in providing a well-tested set of workouts, with training partners that have similar goals, all within the context of hosted runs that are friendly and encouraging to all.

Join us as we get faster together.

  • Short Distance Training: Dashing Whippets coaches publish training plans for NYRR Club Points races throughout the year. These range in distance from the mile to the marathon, so there is overlap with our half marathon and marathon training. Our team training plans for shorter distances are typically 6 to 10 weeks, with recovery periods included to allow athletes to maintain fitness without risking overtraining.  Our workouts employ a mix of hills, tempo runs, long aerobic pace runs, short/fast and long/moderate intervals to develop speed.
  • Long Distance Training: Dashing Whippets marathon plans are usually 15-18 weeks long with the first 4-8 weeks focusing on developing strength and speed, a second eight week phase working on specific marathon paced training, and a two to three-week long taper. Half marathon plans are often shorter, but they follow a similar approach.