Weekly Wag

Welcome to this week’s edition of our weekly news and events roundup of all things Whippet-related.

Pick up your Bronx 10M bibs early!

Check out this update from NYRR. They are expecting long raceday lines for bib pickup, so please try to pick yours up early if you can! If you do it on raceday, the start line is almost a mile from bib pickup, so budget plenty of time.


Running Caps

We now have running caps!  They are blue caps with our team logo on the front.  We’ll get a picture up ASAP, but here is the link to pay for one ($20)!




Results – thanks a ton to Martina, who is writing up the results! If you have any results and would like to be featured on our Weekly Wag, make sure to fill out the results form below.

Make sure to help us fill out our results database by entering your non-NYRR results here: http://www.dashingwhippets.org/race-result-submission-form/

  • Our women’s team won the NYRR 18M Tuneup and our men were third. Laura Gann and Laureline Logiaco led the women’s team. Jil Czarnik was third (pacing the 2:15 group), with Elena Saiz and Elia Ragsdale rounding out the top five. Our men were led by Spencer Duhaime (4th overall!), Chris Dawes, David Goldfarb, Jarrod Scuglik, and Hiroyuki Tamura!
  • Some Whippets represented us at the Newport Liberty Half Marathon. Jordan Rose placed 2nd in his AG, finishing in 1:18:27. Meghan Bongartz placed 5th OA for the women, finishing in 1:26:53. Drew McDonald and Young Cho finished in 1:29:27 and 1:30:47.
  • Luke Baltrush finished the Oslo Half Marathon in 1:10:45.
  • Kayla Murphy ran the Kurt Steiner Cross Country 5k in 24:48.

Injury Questions for Finish Line Physical Therapy

  • Have an ache or pain? Ask a physical therapy professional about it here to receive advice ASAP!  http://bit.ly/DWRTinjuryq

Running Warehouse

2017 Points Races


Team tech shirts are here, only $20, and available at Finish Line PT. Singlets and long sleeved shirts are $20. Jackets are $80 (note: these are available at Custom Performance). To order gear:

Training Plans

The Dashing Whippets Running Team thanks our 2017 Partners for their generous support: Finish Line Physical Therapy, Custom Performance, Upper East Orthopaedics PC, RunnerClinicNYC, Body Balance Integrated Massage Therapy, SDL Sports & Performance Chiropractic, Bauer Dental Arts, Lori Weisenfeld, DPM, Dermalmedix, HomeAdvisor.com, and Brooklyn Roasting Company.

Follow us on:
Instagram:  http://instagram.com/dashingwhippets
Twitter:  http://twitter.com/dashingwhippets
Facebook Page:  http://facebook.com/dashingwhippets
Facebook Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/dashingwhippets/

More about Matt

Matt is one of the co-founders of the Dashing Whippets with Rich.

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