Welcome to this week’s edition of our weekly news and events roundup of all things Whippet-related.
- Thank you to everyone who participated and volunteered in our first road race! It was a huge success, I think. Results can be found here: http://www.coolrunning.com/
results/15/ny/Aug15_Dashin_ set1.shtml - Check out Lara Kail’s race report from Team Championships: http://www.dashingwhippets.
org/2015/08/18/go-big-or-go- home-2015-team-champs-race- report-by-lara-kail/ - Askmen.com is doing a story on the team and will be interviewing and taking videos of members at the Thursday track workout this week. Info on the track workout is here: http://www.meetup.com/dashing-
whippets/events/224076228/. Askmen will be giving out 15 pairs of Asics (size 9s for men and 7s for women). - We had canceled the Brooklyn run tonight because most of the regular hosts are unavailable, but Eric has volunteered to lead the run if people still want to meet at GAP at 7!
- If you’re interested in purchasing a singlet, please see info here: http://www.meetup.com/dashing-
whippets/events/224233045/. We are currently trying to replenish several sizes. - And you can purchase a short sleeved tech shirt. Info here: http://www.meetup.com/dashing-
whippets/events/224383630/ - We are also going to replenish our jacket supply soon in preparation for winter.
These team points races are now open for registration:
- Fifth Avenue Mile: http://www.nyrr.org/races-and-
events/2015/nyrr-fifth-avenue- mile - Grete’s Gallop: http://www.nyrr.org/races-and-
events/2015/memorial-sloan- ketterings-freds-team- presents-gretes-great-gallop- 131m - Ted Corbitt 15k: http://www.nyrr.org/races-and-
events/2015/nyrr-ted-corbitt- 15k
Results – Fill out this survey to submit any non-NYRR results:
Make sure to help us fill out our results database by entering your non-NYRR results here: http://www.dashingwhippets.
Make sure to follow us on social media:
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
The Dashing Whippets Running Team thanks our 2015 Team Sponsors for their generous support of the club: RunnerClinicNYC, Generation UCan, Revolution in Motion, and Fitletic, Inc.