Welcome to this week’s edition of our weekly news and events roundup of all things Whippet-related.
– Matt and Simon
Upcoming Events
- Our track meet is set for May 30th at the East River Park track. The pace of registrations has picked up a bit in the last week or two, so definitely make sure to register before we start thinking about capping the meet (http://trackmeet.
dashingwhippets.org). - Also, a big thank you to Brooklyn Running Company for being the presenting sponsor of the meet. They’ll be donating a ton of good awards for runners who place in all of the races and also some prizes for the relay teams.
- The Brooklyn Half Marathon preview is on May 2 meeting at the start of the course outside the Brooklyn Museum. RSVP here: http://www.meetup.com/dashing-
whippets/events/221407644/. Andrew Hadro and Jonathan Park have volunteered to help with driving bags from the start to Coney Island. We are also organizing pace groups. Fill out the sheet here to let us know your pace: https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/ 1OeFBGBb3cwx1b0dFBTuAET4b52awE Ynw-DaqxFejn0w/viewform - We now have New Balance short sleeve t-shirts for sale. We are selling these ourselves – not at Jackrabbit and will start selling them at the preview run (cash or PayPal). Here are some pictures: https://instagram.com/p/
18rf8psrCI/ and https://instagram.com/p/ 18rXY4MrBt/ - We will be doing a party on the beach after the Brooklyn Half. Chris Forti is going to meet people near the start before the race and drive food items out to Coney Island. Stay tuned for a spreadsheet to enter what you will bring!
- The points races in June are the Mini 10k (for women only): http://www.nyrr.org/races-and-
events/2015/oakley-new-york- mini-10k and the Pride Run (coed points race): http://www.nyrr.org/races-and- events/2015/front-runners-new- york-lgbt-pride-run-5m - The Bronx 10 miler is open and is a points race in September: http://www.nyrr.org/races-and-
events/2015/nyrr-five-borough- series-bronx-10-mile - Also, keep your calendars open for Team Championships on August 1! This counts 10 runners for the open divisions and 5 for the masters divisions, so we need a great turnout for it!
- If you’d like to run a one mile race for a great cause, check out the race Leonor is organizing on May 31! http://www.meetup.com/dashing-
whippets/events/220123989/ - We haven’t quite organized this yet, but are probably doing a team anniversary run to commemorate our first ever run on Friday, June 19. This will follow the footsteps of our first run from City Hall Park over the Brooklyn Bridge and back over the Manhattan Bridge before heading to a bar.
Results – Fill out this survey to submit any non-NYRR results: http://www.dashingwhippets.
We had several great performances at the NJ Marathon. Jon Park, Martina DiMarco, Lucy Clark all qualified for Boston. Also having solid performances were John Ferry, Richie Hildebrand, and Keith Slyman
In the Run as One, several Whippets had PRs, including Sean Gorski (24:42), Meredith Nadler (29:39), Sam Whatley (25:31), and Megan Jones (29:07). Frank Drury, Georgina Norton, and Elizabeth Maiuolo all finished in the top ten in their age group.
Jennie Cohen CRUSHED the Red Hook Crit 5k in 18:21, placing 5th and winning $150. Tessa Benau had a nice PR in 19:31. Eric Morley, Steve Wo, Joe Delano, Jessie Zacarro, Ellen Manuszek, and Daniela Alvarado also had great times.
Hugh Parker (4:46.11), Marvin Yang (5:15.50), and Rick Thiounn (5:52.13) all ran the Brooklyn Running Company Mile at the NBR track meet. The team of Scott Batten, Hugh, Rick, and Marvin won the Sprint Medley Relay.
Press Digest
- What Drives People Who Cheat in Road Races?: http://www.runnersworld.com/
general-interest/what-drives- people-who-cheat-in-road-races - How Celebrities Fared at the 2015 London Marathon: http://www.runnersworld.com/
celebrity-runners/how- celebrities-fared-at-the-2015- london-marathon - Beet Juice and Cognitive Performance: http://www.runnersworld.com/
nutrition-for-runners/beet- juice-and-cognitive- performance - The most tactical race ever (last leg of this 4xmile at Penn Relays): http://www.flotrack.org/
coverage/251944-Tasty-Race-of- the-Week/video/768627-TASTY- RACE-Penn-Relays-Mens-4xMile#. VT_dtmp0yP6
Make sure to follow us on social media:
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
The Dashing Whippets Running Team thanks our 2015 Team Sponsors for their generous support of the club: RunnerClinicNYC, Generation UCan, Revolution in Motion, and Fitletic, Inc.