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DWRT Virtual Races

Dear Teammates,

Here are three virtual race options for the month of April:

The first is on Strava.  Participate in the Bigfoot, The Social Distancing Champion’s 5k and/or the Strava April 5k Challenge.

The second is the VDOT Challenge 2Follow these steps to make sure you add your Whippet team affiliation and that your run is counted in the official results.

The third is the (just announced!) April NYRR virtual race.

Participate in any (or all) of these and at the end of April we’ll be offering prizes for Whippet participants in the following categories (for races where the Leaderboard / GPS data is shared):

As a reminder, we’ll be donating $5 to the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund for each Whippet runner who participates (maximum $500).  The fund supports health care workers and essential staff. We’ll donate the $500 no matter how many of us participate, but it would be great to see more of us join in and support!


The DWRT Activities Committee