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Dashing Whippets Training Plan, March 9 – 15, 2015

This weekly message keeps active members informed of the Dashing Whippets training activities for the next seven days.

This is the final week of training for runners whose goal race is the NYC Half. We wish you all the best this weekend, and look for your teammates who are generously volunteering at the fluid station on West 42nd Street.

If your goal race is a spring marathon but you were lucky enough to get into the NYC Half, be sure to run it wisely. An all-out effort at half marathon pace on March 15 should be manageable, as there is time to recover between now and your marathon. But of course you should set your expectations for the half marathon realistically, since we do not recommend a proper taper — therefore your target pace should be measurably slower than half marathon PR pace. And it’s always wise to listen to your body and further slow your pace if appropriate; a marathon pace run is a great workout for people whose goal race is 26.2 rather than 13.1.

Dashing Whippets Training Plan for the Week

This is week 13 of a training plan for Boston marathoners, week 11 of a training plan for NYC Half and New Jersey Marathon competitors, and week 2 of a 5-week training plan for 10K racers.

Please click on the links below to RSVP if you are planning to come out to one of these training events!

Note: Almost all training paces, such as 5K, 10K, half marathon, should be your estimated pace if you ran the race today — not your goal or PR pace.

Monday 3/09: Easy day

Tuesday 3/10: Long speedwork day: Warm up 1-1.5 easy mile, then…

Wednesday 3/11: Recovery day

Thursday, 3/12: Short speedwork day: 15-minute warmup, including jogging/drills/strides, then…

Friday 3/13: Very easy day

Saturday and Sunday, 3/14-15:

Training Calendars